Martes, Setyembre 11, 2012

Make happiness a habit


Prayer for the suffering

Oh My dear Jesus,

Please help me understand the things I can't.
Please help me see beyond what my human eyes can see.
Please help me forgive the people who constantly hurt me.
Please help me forget the pain I suffer everyday.

Grant me fortitude Oh Lord, so I may see things Your way.
Most of all, grant me peace, happiness, and contentment, even in the midst of injustice.

I pray that someday You will show them Your Face,and show them the folly of their Ways.


Linggo, Setyembre 9, 2012

Azkals win!

2 days have passed and I still couldn't get over the euphoria of the Phil Azkals winning 2-0 over the perennially favorite Singapore Lions FC.

Thanks to the sublime top-level footballing skills of this demi-God who virtually owned the pitch that fine historic day.



Found this quite helpful in steadying my nerves, and calming my soul.
I know it's quite hard to do, but doing it might spell the difference between dying young and living life to the fullest.
Maybe its worth the try.

This is the reason why.

Biyernes, Setyembre 7, 2012

Happy birthday MAMA MARY!

Happy birthday Mama Mary!

Thank you so much for your kindness, generosity and mercy, and most of all, for intervening for me everytime I am in great need.

Please continue to pray for us, your children. Show us always the way to your Son's heart.


Singapore is "schrocked!"

The boys did very well today carrying the country's colors against Singapore National FC. Kudos to this spunky warrior who showed so much class in the pitch. This man is a mean fighting machine. Unbelievable! Singapore FC got schooled!!

Huwebes, Setyembre 6, 2012

Kite Runner

Hands down, my most favorite piece of contemporary literature by far.

Amazing how it transformed my reading preferences, and virtually erased my cultural biases.

Everybody should read this book!

Every Girl's Dream


Probably came from a true man-hater!

I still dream of the perfect guy...


I confess. For the past few months, I have been feeeling this way. Notwithstanding my every day resolve to just roll with the punches and take everything in stride, I needlessly end up feeling so deeply incensed.

Injustice, big and small. Inequality. Inequitable share. Partisan. Corruption. Lies. More lies.

It is so sad to think when corruption has been deeply inculcated among people in your workplace. Worse, they refuse to acknowledge the unethicality of their ways, and justify their practice using a warped, romanticized notion of "culture" and "indebtedness" -- for whatever that means.

At first I thought it was just me against the "culture"...but so many first-hand accounts have cropped out, thereby strengthening my theory of conspiracy. This they blatantly do despite the extraordinarily charitable efforts I have shown to some of the staff. Tsk Tsk. TAlk about "owe of gratitude!"The least they could do is to treat me fairly, and give me my fair share. But no. I am newbie. And I remain one until another newbie comes in. I have logged just a  year and a half of service. Unlike those who've "served and stayed" for decades now  (and probably until kingdom come)...And so they say.."shut up your cute little mouth, and just be thankful that we give you some!"

Helpless. That's what I am. I am up against a huge adversity I have given up trying to conquer. Not that I didn't try... for that would be so uncharacteristic of me. I did try to diplomatically "solve my problem", but as I said, when you've lived in a culture that steeps of corruption and earn your daily bread participating in it, dont expect any of its people to come up with solutions to rectify it. Oh come on, need you ask me why?

And so I am left with nothing but a bruised ego. "Can't stand the heat?, then get out of the frying pan!"...Huh, probably later. JUst you wait and see. I believe in the KARMIC LAW. I hope I get to stay a little bit longer to see karma slap its heavy hand on your pitiful faces.

But for now, I choose to submit. I have no choice. But once I get the chance, I will walk away after peeing on all of you. For all the heartbreak you bestowed upon me every single day of my life, you all deserve a much greater karmic punishment than that!

Martes, Setyembre 4, 2012

Date:December 18,2011
Place: Ulingan Tondo
Event: Medical Mission

If I had  this BLOGSITE a few months ago, I would have uploaded this photo and blogged about everything I had seen, felt, heard and smelled that day.

It was my first time to immerse in such an activity, and I thank Dweng and his family for giving me that rare opportunity to do such charitable act.

I have never seen such extreme poverty up close, though in my mind, I knew such inhumane living conditions do exist in so many parts of the country.

And so I did the best I could for these people, although I knew they would definitely need more than I could give. If only I had a magic wand and give them a more decent place to live, or enough food to eat.

Nevertheless, I knew in my heart that they appreciated what little we had to offer.

On the flipside, these people are the reason why we need better leaders in the local government, more support from charitable NGO's....and most especially, this is why we need to pass that RH BILL!!!

I pray that one day, the mayors visit these communities and see for themselves this rotten state their constituents suffer from. And I dont mean only during election time.

I also pray that the church leaders (CBCP!) also visit these people and realize the folly of their argument against the RH bill. As if they do anything to ease the suffering these people endure everyday. Lipservice. That's what they do. They are no diferent from those scumbag mayors they connive with.

See that "dirt road"? FYI, that's about 6 feet of mushy,compact garbage! Oh, make that 3 hectares of 6 feet-deep garbage! Plus that smoke! whew! As if its not hard enough to live amidst a mountain of stinky trash!



I salute all the charitable extraordinary people who collectively made a humongous effort to help these people in dire need. But these people need more. These people need change. Fast.  Now. It doesnt take a miracle. All it needs is good governance and a strong sense of  patriotism. No politics.

I hope I get to see that change in my lifetime.

Hello blogging world!

Finally, a blogsite of my own!

I have always wanted one, but never had the time nor the yen to start one.

I've have longed for a repository of my random thoughts, ideas, observations, raves and rants, and found this medium to be the perfect outlet. I kept a private diary since I was 15 years old, but I think that blogging is a neat way to "publish" and share to the rest of the world what I witnessed, encountered, or felt, albeit sometimes mundane, banal,distasteful, but hopefully mostly interesting.
And so with the help of my nightly cup of fresh green tea, I hope I can share my deepest thoughts (or probably even the shallowest ones!) about anything under the sun and the moon. It would be a pity not to record these products of a fertile, inquisitive, condescending (haha!), but mostly charitable (albeit jaded) mind.

So off I go, and I do hope I enjoy blogging!!